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Â裱¹Ö | Introduction¡¡ | Course Introduction¡¡ | ¡¡ | Â裹¹Ö | Patriotism¡¡ | Patriotism¡¡ | ||||||
Â裲¹Ö | American Geography¡¡ | Regions of the U.S.A.¡¡ | ¡¡ | Â裱£°¹Ö | Presentations¡¡ | Group Presentations¡¡ | ||||||
Â裳¹Ö | Barack Obama (1)¡¡ | Barack Obama’s Inaugural Address (Part 1)¡¡ | ¡¡ | Â裱£±¹Ö | Current Events¡¡ | Current Events / News¡¡ | ||||||
Â裴¹Ö | Barack Obama (2)¡¡ | Barack Obama’s Inaugural Address (Part 2) ¡¡ | Â裱£²¹Ö | Higher Education¡¡ | Colleges and Universities¡¡ | |||||||
Â裵¹Ö | Presidential Election¡¡ | 2012 Presidential Election¡¡ | Â裱£³¹Ö | The Future¡¡ | How Americans View the Future¡¡ | |||||||
Â裶¹Ö | Cities and Towns¡¡ | Big Cities¡¡ | Â裱£´¹Ö | Conclusion ¡¡ | Course Conclusion and Review¡¡ | |||||||
Â裷¹Ö | The American Dream¡¡ | The American Dream¡¡ | Â裱£µ¹Ö | Final Examination¡¡ | Final Examination¡¡ | |||||||
Â裸¹Ö | Midterm Exam¡¡ | Midterm Examination¡¡ | ɾ¡¡²Á¡¡Êý¡¡Ë¡ | ????????????????????????? | ||||||||
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